Affordable tickets with world's best travel companies
It will take 0 hrs 58 mins to reach from ITUZAINGO to POSADAS. The earliest departure from ITUZAINGO is at 12:45 AM. And the last bus is at 8:15 PM. The price for one bus ticket starts from ARS 500.
Avg. Bus Duration | : | 0 hrs 58 mins |
Buses depart from | : | ITUZAINGO |
Bus arrives in | : | POSADAS |
Daily Bus Services | : | 521 |
Cheapest Bus Tickets | : | ARS 500.00 |
Earliest Bus | : | 12:45 AM |
Last Bus | : | 8:15 PM |
36 Mn+ satisfied customers
Over 3500 bus-company partners
2,00,000+ bookings per day
World's largest bus-ticket platform
Assured seat of your choice
Secured and Verified payments
Looking for a bus ticket on a luxury bus while paying a low rate can be a daunting task. People have to scramble between agents, kiosks, or booking portals that are available online. Thankfully, there is a one-stop remedy to every traveler’s predicament when it comes to booking a bus ticket online. redBus offers tickets at low rates on buses run by some of the top operators. If a person plans on booking a seat on a bus from ITUZAINGO to POSADAS, visit the redBus platform and reserve a seat with a few simple steps. Passengers can sort out their search results by using a number of available filters such as departure or arrival timings, bus fare, duration, and much more. Passengers can select their boarding and dropping points from a plethora of options that are available on the route between ITUZAINGO and POSADAS.