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It will take 4 hrs 15 mins to reach from Berlin to Szczecin. The earliest departure from Berlin is at 3:00 AM. And the last bus is at 3:00 AM. The price for one bus ticket starts from EUR 47.
Avg. Bus Duration | : | 4 hrs 15 mins |
Buses depart from | : | Berlin |
Bus arrives in | : | Szczecin |
Daily Bus Services | : | 2 |
Cheapest Bus Tickets | : | EUR 47.00 |
Earliest Bus | : | 3:00 AM |
Last Bus | : | 3:00 AM |
36 Mn+ satisfied customers
Over 3500 bus-company partners
2,00,000+ bookings per day
World's largest bus-ticket platform
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Szczecin is a beautiful port city on the western bank of the Oder River. Close to the Baltic Sea and German border, the travel between Berlin to Szczecin is often frequent. The shipping city, Szczecin, has a rich heritage with records dating back to the 8th and 9th Century. The most affordable means of travel is by bus, and you can easily book Berlin to Szczecin bus online tickets via redBus. The travel time varies around 2 hours as the distance is about 79 miles/127 KM between the cities.
You can search and book a bus from Berlin to Szczecin, Poland, by following these steps:
Many operators serve the Berlin to Szczecin route. You’ll find all the operators listed on the search page of redBus. Browse through the listing and find the reviews and rating for each bus before you book a ticket.
When you’re booking a bus on the redBus portal, you’ll be able to look at the boarding points in Berlin under each bus listing. You will also be prompted to choose or confirm a boarding point when you select seats on Berlin to Szczecin bus. If a particular bus route has only one boarding point, that will be 487-selected during the booking.
Like the boarding points, redBus lists the available drop-off points in Szczecin, Poland. If there are multiple points, you can select one which is convenient for your plans. But, in the case of a single drop-off point, that will be auto-selected during your booking.
The Berlin to Szczecin bus ticket price starts from as low as EUR 6.99. This is the most affordable means of transport, and you’ll find multiple buses operational throughout the day. You can also check for discount coupons and offers during checkout to find the best price for your journey on redBus.
You’ll find many buses on redBus at different timings when you search. Filter the search results by sorting according to departure timings to browse through the options easily.