Berlin to Szczecin Bus

Affordable tickets with world's best travel companies

It will take 4 hrs 15 mins to reach from Berlin to Szczecin. The earliest departure from Berlin is at 3:00 AM. And the last bus is at 3:00 AM. The price for one bus ticket starts from EUR 47.

Feb 2025
Feb 2025
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Berlin to Szczecin Bus Service

Avg. Bus Duration


4 hrs 15 mins

Buses depart from



Bus arrives in



Daily Bus Services



Cheapest Bus Tickets


EUR 47.00

Earliest Bus


3:00 AM

Last Bus


3:00 AM

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Berlin to Szczecin Bus

Berlin to Szczecin Bus Tickets

Szczecin is a beautiful port city on the western bank of the Oder River. Close to the Baltic Sea and German border, the travel between Berlin to Szczecin is often frequent. The shipping city, Szczecin, has a rich heritage with records dating back to the 8th and 9th Century. The most affordable means of travel is by bus, and you can easily book Berlin to Szczecin bus online tickets via redBus. The travel time varies around 2 hours as the distance is about 79 miles/127 KM between the cities.

How to book Berlin to Szczecin bus tickets?

You can search and book a bus from Berlin to Szczecin, Poland, by following these steps:

  1. Enter Berlin and Szczecin as your boarding and drop-off points on the booking page and click on ‘Search’ to find all the buses available in the route.
  2. You can easily browse through the list of buses using filters to sort by departure time, cost, duration, operator and more.
  3. Pick a bus that suits your travel plans and select seats from the seating chart. You will be prompted to enter passenger details, including name, age and contact details.
  4. Proceed to payment and pay via debit card, credit card or bank transfer.
  5. Once your payment is successful, you’ll receive your m-ticket or e-ticket on your phone or inbox.

Popular Bus Operators on Berlin to Szczecin Bus Route

Many operators serve the Berlin to Szczecin route. You’ll find all the operators listed on the search page of redBus. Browse through the listing and find the reviews and rating for each bus before you book a ticket.

Boarding Points in Berlin

When you’re booking a bus on the redBus portal, you’ll be able to look at the boarding points in Berlin under each bus listing. You will also be prompted to choose or confirm a boarding point when you select seats on Berlin to Szczecin bus. If a particular bus route has only one boarding point, that will be 487-selected during the booking.

Drop-off points in Szczecin

Like the boarding points, redBus lists the available drop-off points in Szczecin, Poland. If there are multiple points, you can select one which is convenient for your plans. But, in the case of a single drop-off point, that will be auto-selected during your booking.

Berlin to Szczecin Bus Price

The Berlin to Szczecin bus ticket price starts from as low as EUR 6.99. This is the most affordable means of transport, and you’ll find multiple buses operational throughout the day. You can also check for discount coupons and offers during checkout to find the best price for your journey on redBus.

Berlin to Szczecin Bus Timings

You’ll find many buses on redBus at different timings when you search. Filter the search results by sorting according to departure timings to browse through the options easily.


How can I book a bus ticket online from one route to another??
You can simply log on to, choose any specific country you would like to book a bus in, and select the source and destination. After choosing the route and the date, you will find a number of options for buses available. redBus site is user-friendly and booking a bus ticket is just a matter of a few minutes.
Do I need to print my ticket for this bus route?
This depends upon the bus operator and the country you are travelling in. You can check this information while booking a bus ticket for a particular bus operator. However, most of the bus operators allow M-ticket or E-ticket sent to your registered email address, you may require to print the ticket if any bus operator specifically asks for the same.
Where can I find the location of my bus stop?
As you get the listing of buses available on a selected route, you can click on the 'Boarding & Dropping Point' tab to check the exact location of your pickup and drop-off points. redBus also offers ‘Track my bus’ facility in a few countries to check the live location of the bus.
How early should I arrive for the trip?
Passengers are required to reach the boarding place at least 30 minutes before the scheduled departure time of the bus.
Can I reschedule my bus ticket on this route?
Yes, you can. However, this option is available with some selected bus operators on You just have to enter your bus ticket number and email address, verify your ticket details, and choose a reschedule date.
At what time do buses start from Berlin to Szczecin?
Buses from Berlin to Szczecin generally start early in the morning and continue until late evening. However, the bus timings may vary depending on the bus operators and season. This is where redBus helps you out. You need not contact several bus operators to get updated about the bus schedules. You will find all the updated information on redBus website while booking a bus ticket online.
Are there any discounts available on the route from Berlin to Szczecin?
Berlin to Szczecin is one of the popular routes and it’s quite likely that you may get exciting discounts on booking bus tickets through redBus on this route. It would be better if you plan your journey in advance and book your tickets so that you can get the best price and best seat for your trip.
How do I get from Berlin to Szczecin?
You can get to Szczecin from Berlin by train, car or bus. Bus rides are the most convenient and affordable means of travelling between the cities. The route is filled with scenic beauty that you can view on your journey, making it the perfect way to travel.
What is the most cost-effective way to get from Berlin to Szczecin?
While there are many means to travel to Szczecin, it is the cheapest means to take a bus from Berlin. There are many buses operating on this route, and ticket costs as low as EUR 6.99. You can book a ticket online via redBus and check for coupons and offers to reduce this cost further.
How long does it take to travel from Berlin to Szczecin?
The travel time between Berlin to Szczecin usually takes over 2 hours. The fastest bus takes about 2 hours and 17 minutes, but buses take a longer route, making the journey last over 4 hours. You can sort the bus listing on the redBus search page by duration to see operators providing the shortest journey.
How far is it from Berlin to Szczecin?
Berlin is about 127 km from Szczecin. If you take a bus, there are many routes through which bus operators make the journey. These routes cross many scenic views to make your trip memorable and pleasant.
  • Berlin Central Bus Station
  • Berlin Messedamm
  • Szczecin Bus Station
  • Szczecin Kolumba

Enjoy your bus trip from Berlin to Szczecin !
You want to go the other way? check all offers from
Szczecin to Berlin